Climate Action for Cocody - EcoCity West Africa
ERI is proud to announce our new partnership with Cocody, a district in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. Together, we are working on helping them achieve their goal to reduce 70% of its carbon emissions. A unique and integrated African design developing the first EcoCity in West Africa. Join us as we mobilize Africa with this city initiative we designed with the people of Cocody.
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As many of us look towards a time of post COVID-19, one thing is certain...uncertainty.
We recognize that we are all trying to navigate this new world and dealing with many of our lives now in a state of flux. All of us at Earth Rights Institute want you to know that we care deeply about your wellbeing and our thoughts are with you. We stand firm in our conviction to carry on our work to help and support our programs and partners all around the world.
Obviously, we were saddened to have to postpone our UCLA Africa’s Readiness for Climate Change (ARCC) Forum. UCLA African Studies Center and ERI are committed to eventually inaugurating this important forum, but realistically, we are aiming for Spring 2021. We appreciate our keynote speakers’ enthusiasm to come and discuss how we might accelerate ambitious solutions and build stronger global partnerships between our African colleagues developing strong impactful African initiatives and international climate action leaders.
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Land Rights & Land Value Capture
Under the direction of ERI Co-founder/Executive Director Alanna Hartzok, she is currently director of a 34-member International Advisory Group which is developing a Land Value Tax/Capture Program in association with the United Nations Habitat Global Land Tool Network. An online course and certificate training program where individuals or groups can learn the basics of land value capture and land tools will be soon updated and offered to the public.
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Earth Rights Institute funds many of its programs through external grants. We recognize that an important aspect of enduring social and environmental change on a global scale is collaborating at local and international levels by securing partnerships with governments, groups, organizations and skilled individuals who share common goals and vision of global social and environmental change.
Our goal is to use our grant funds in resourceful ways to benefit each community we serve.
Become a proud volunteer
Earths Rights Institute is constantly seeking interns and volunteers year round. We are grateful to all of our committed interns and volunteers who donate their valuable time and skills to make our programs successful. At Earth Rights Institute there is an abundance of opportunities for college-age students, recent graduates, or graduate students to gain experience working in the field of international development by practicing our unique approach.
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- Gain experience working in the field
- Practice our unique approach
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Keep up with our latest news and projects

Get involved in REDES Sahel, Senegal
Our Co-Executive Director, Annie de la Bouillerie Goeke, is now an ambassador for the REDES - Network for Ecovillage Emergence and Development in the Sahel, Senegal. Earth Rights Institute considers this as one of the best models for development and education available to promote. It is a system that is an integral part of our mission and is what we believe is our main guideline as an organization addressing poverty, climate change and sustainability.

Janet’s Good News
Janet’s Good News sends out a daily newsletter with all the news that is good from a left-wing perspective. We believe that good news includes the following types of activities: Blowing the whistle on abuses of power Protesting and demonstrating against things that are harmful Experimenting with positive alternatives for all the institutions Protecting life on earth Devoting resources to making peace instead of war Increasing the amount of kindness and generosity in the world

Earth Rights Institute Director, Annie Goeke, was 自由之门浏览器破解版 by Women's Radio about how individuals and communities can take part in and strengthen the sustainability movement on both a local and global level. Women's Radio is a media partner of the Los Angeles Green Festival. 自由动态网翻墙手机版

quiv.com ASKING IS THE NEW GIVING! Have a question about SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, ENVIRONMENT, GREEN BUILDING or more? Our Co-Founder & Director Annie Geoke has the answers! How it works: Ask a question and donate to Earth Rights Institute.